Developing strategic plans, conduct fundraising and plan events and meetings. We also produce economic studies and develop and conduct opinion surveys. More»

Marketing and sales, web site development, video production and editing, media relations, brochures, fact sheets, catalogs, newsletters and speeches. More»

Studies, data collection, and forecast on the economic consequences and impacts of public policy issues. More»

Monitoring and reporting to direct representation before government and organizing coalitions. More»

Who We Are

Lewis Freeman »
703 298 8107

Frederick M. Peterson, PhD »
Associate, Economics

Thomas Rae Southall »
Associate, Communications & Marketing



Freeman Consulting provides consulting services in management, communications, economics and public policy advocacy for non-profit organizations and companies. More»

Information You Can Use

The No-Managers Organizational Approach Doesn't Work

February 5, 2016 | Gallup Business Journal
A no-manager approach, holacracy is characterized by a fluid organizational structure in which teams are self-organized and individuals have high autonomy and authority to make decisions at a local level. But, some recent examples suggest it falls short of expectations.

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Online Sources For News Continue to Grow

June 2015 | Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism
A new report highlights the growing use of smartphones and tablets for how people access news, while dependency on printed newspapers as a source of news continues to fall.

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Management Minute: The Best Laid Plans

October 2014 | Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman
“Organizations face the challenge of controlling the tendency of executives competing for resources to present overly optimistic plans. A well-run organization will reward planners for precise execution and penalize them for failing to anticipate difficulties, and for failing to allow for difficulties that they could not have anticipated — the unknown unknowns.”

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Federal Deficits To Grow Again, After Period Of Decline

August 27, 2014 | Congressional Budget Office
The federal budget deficit has been on a path to decline, but if current laws governing federal taxes and spending generally remained unchanged, revenues would grow only slightly faster than the economy and spending would increase more rapidly, according to CBO's projections for 2014–24. Consequently, relative to the size of the economy, deficits would grow and federal debt would climb.

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More Information You Can Use

New Studies Depict Growing Political Divisions and Diversity in America | June 2014 | Pew Research Center

Over-65 Share of Population Projected to Grow 50 percent by 2030 | May 2014 | U.S. Census Bureau

Half a Century after the Civil Rights Act, Four Challenges for Nonprofits and Foundations Today April 17, 2014 | Nonprofit Quarterly

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